- All
- African Championships
- Asian Championships
- European Championships
- Grand Prix
- Grand Slam
- Masters
- Oceanian Championships
- Olympic Games
- Pan-American Championships
- World Championships
- All
- (AFG) Afghanistan
- (ALB) Albania
- (ALG) Algeria
- (ASA) American Samoa
- (AND) Andorra
- (ANG) Angola
- (ARG) Argentina
- (ARM) Armenia
- (ARU) Aruba
- (AUS) Australia
- (AUT) Austria
- (AZE) Azerbaijan
- (BAH) Bahamas
- (BAN) Bangladesh
- (BAR) Barbados
- (BLR) Belarus
- (BEL) Belgium
- (BOL) Bolivia
- (BIH) Bosnia and Herzegovina
- (BOT) Botswana
- (BRA) Brazil
- (BRU) Brunei Darussalam
- (BUL) Bulgaria
- (BUR) Burkina Faso
- (BDI) Burundi
- (CAM) Cambodia
- (CMR) Cameroon
- (CAN) Canada
- (CPV) Cape Verde
- (CAF) Central African Republic
- (CHA) Chad
- (CHI) Chile
- (CHN) China
- (COL) Colombia
- (COM) Comoros
- (CRC) Costa Rica
- (CRO) Croatia
- (CUB) Cuba
- (CYP) Cyprus
- (CZE) Czech Republic
- (TCH) Czechoslovakia
- (DEN) Denmark
- (DOM) Dominican Republic
- (COD) DR Congo
- (GDR) East Germany
- (ECU) Ecuador
- (EGY) Egypt
- (ESA) El Salvador
- (ENG) England
- (GEQ) Equatorial Guinea
- (EST) Estonia
- (FRO) Faroe Islands
- (FIJ) Fiji
- (FIN) Finland
- (FRA) France
- (PYF) French Polynesia
- (GAB) Gabon
- (GAM) Gambia
- (GEO) Georgia
- (GER) Germany
- (GHA) Ghana
- (GRE) Greece
- (GLP) Guadeloupe
- (GUM) Guam
- (GUA) Guatemala
- (GIN) Guinea
- (GUI) Guinea
- (GBS) Guinea-Bissau
- (GUY) Guyana
- (HAI) Haiti
- (HON) Honduras
- (HKG) Hong Kong
- (HUN) Hungary
- (ISL) Iceland
- (IND) India
- (INA) Indonesia
- (IRI) Iran
- (IRQ) Iraq
- (IRL) Ireland
- (ISR) Israel
- (ITA) Italy
- (CIV) Ivory Coast
- (JAM) Jamaica
- (JPN) Japan
- (JOR) Jordan
- (KAZ) Kazakhstan
- (KEN) Kenya
- (KOS) Kosovo
- (KUW) Kuwait
- (KGZ) Kyrgyzstan
- (LAO) Laos
- (LAT) Latvia
- (LIB) Lebanon
- (LBR) Liberia
- (LBA) Libya
- (LIE) Liechtenstein
- (LTU) Lithuania
- (LUX) Luxembourg
- (MAC) Macao
- (MKD) Macedonia
- (MAD) Madagascar
- (MAS) Malaysia
- (MLI) Mali
- (MLT) Malta
- (MTN) Mauritania
- (MRI) Mauritius
- (MEX) Mexico
- (MDA) Moldova
- (MON) Monaco
- (MGL) Mongolia
- (MNE) Montenegro
- (MAR) Morocco
- (MOZ) Mozambique
- (MYA) Myanmar
- (NAM) Namibia
- (NRU) Nauru
- (NEP) Nepal
- (NED) Netherlands
- (AHO) Netherlands Antilles
- (NCL) New Caledonia
- (NZL) New Zealand
- (NCA) Nicaragua
- (NIG) Niger
- (NGR) Nigeria
- (PRK) North Korea
- (NIR) Northern Ireland
- (NOR) Norway
- (OMA) Oman
- (PAK) Pakistan
- (PLW) Palau
- (PLE) Palestine
- (PAN) Panama
- (PNG) Papua New Guinea
- (PAR) Paraguay
- (PER) Peru
- (PHI) Philippines
- (POL) Poland
- (POR) Portugal
- (PUR) Puerto Rico
- (QAT) Qatar
- (ROU) Romania
- (RUS) Russia
- (SAM) Samoa
- (SMR) San Marino
- (KSA) Saudi Arabia
- (SCO) Scotland
- (SEN) Senegal
- (SRB) Serbia
- (SCG) Serbia & Montenegro
- (SEY) Seychelles
- (SIN) Singapore
- (SVK) Slovakia
- (SLO) Slovenia
- (SOL) Solomon Islands
- (RSA) South Africa
- (KOR) South Korea
- (URS) Soviet Union
- (ESP) Spain
- (SRI) Sri Lanka
- (SUD) Sudan
- (SUR) Suriname
- (SWE) Sweden
- (SUI) Switzerland
- (SYR) Syria
- (TAH) Tahiti
- (TPE) Taipei
- (TJK) Tajikistan
- (TAN) Tanzania
- (THA) Thailand
- (TOG) Togo
- (TGA) Tonga
- (TRI) Trinidad and Tobago
- (TUN) Tunisia
- (TUR) Turkey
- (TKM) Turkmenistan
- (UGA) Uganda
- (UKR) Ukraine
- (UAE) United Arab Emirates
- (GBR) United Kingdom
- (USA) United States
- (URU) Uruguay
- (UZB) Uzbekistan
- (VAN) Vanuatu
- (VEN) Venezuela
- (VIE) Vietnam
- (WAL) Wales
- (FRG) West Germany
- (YEM) Yemen
- (YUG) Yugoslavia
- (ZAI) Zaire
- (ZAM) Zambia
- (ZIM) Zimbabwe
- All
- 2020.
- 2019.
- 2018.
Grand Slam
(HUN) Budapest23.10.2020. - 25.10.2020.Total competitors:405Men competitors:254Women competitors:151Number of countries:61 -
Grand Slam
(GER) Dusseldorf21.02.2020. - 23.02.2020.Total competitors:0Men competitors:0Women competitors:0Number of countries:0 -
Grand Slam
(FRA) Paris08.02.2020. - 09.02.2020.Total competitors:0Men competitors:0Women competitors:0Number of countries:0 -
World Championships
(JPN) Tokyo25.08.2019. - 01.09.2019.Total competitors:0Men competitors:0Women competitors:0Number of countries:0 -
Grand Prix
(CRO) Zagreb26.07.2019. - 28.07.2019.Total competitors:558Men competitors:332Women competitors:226Number of countries:87 -
Grand Prix
(HUN) Budapest12.07.2019. - 14.07.2019.Total competitors:543Men competitors:340Women competitors:203Number of countries:81 -
Grand Prix
(CAN) Montreal05.07.2019. - 07.07.2019.Total competitors:249Men competitors:136Women competitors:113Number of countries:50 -
Grand Prix
(CHN) Hohhot24.05.2019. - 26.05.2019.Total competitors:298Men competitors:157Women competitors:141Number of countries:43 -
Grand Slam
(AZE) Baku10.05.2019. - 12.05.2019.Total competitors:431Men competitors:256Women competitors:175Number of countries:56 -
Grand Prix
(TUR) Antalya05.04.2019. - 07.04.2019.Total competitors:479Men competitors:291Women competitors:188Number of countries:75 -
Grand Prix
(GEO) Tbilisi29.03.2019. - 31.03.2019.Total competitors:372Men competitors:205Women competitors:167Number of countries:52 -
Grand Slam
(RUS) Ekaterinburg15.03.2019. - 17.03.2019.Total competitors:555Men competitors:353Women competitors:202Number of countries:47 -
Grand Prix
(MAR) Marrakech08.03.2019. - 10.03.2019.Total competitors:440Men competitors:258Women competitors:182Number of countries:67 -
Grand Slam
(GER) Dusseldorf22.02.2019. - 24.02.2019.Total competitors:515Men competitors:309Women competitors:206Number of countries:74 -
Grand Slam
(FRA) Paris09.02.2019. - 10.02.2019.Total competitors:570Men competitors:334Women competitors:236Number of countries:97 -
Grand Prix
(ISR) Tel Aviv24.01.2019. - 26.01.2019.Total competitors:379Men competitors:218Women competitors:161Number of countries:53